Nthink pair share theory pdf merger

The effects of using thinkpairshare during guided reading. Think, pair, share cooperative learning strategy tps explained and demystified, with tips for new teachers and pros alike. Mergers and acquisitions edinburgh business school. To some extent, agency theory explains this relationship. As students collaborate to reflect and discuss in a think pair share, information is retained at a higher level. Discussing with a partner maximizes participation, focuses attention and engages students. Thinkpairsquareshare is a series of steps that enables the students. This can be modified to involve pairs of students exchanging ideas to enrich the discussion. The nature of teaching and learning is a process of interaction between teachers and students and students with students in a lesson.

Theories in merger and acquisition mergers and acquisitions. Think pair share rubric by bisola neil teachers pay teachers. Second, we assume that there is a regime shift that creates potential. This technique requires students to 1 think individually about a topic or answer to a question. The instructor presents an issue for discussion in the form of a problem or question, but instead of just throwing the question out for one student to answer, the students discuss possible solutions in pairs.

A set of templates to use during think pair share discussions. Thinkpairshare kagan publishing and professional development. Pdf investigating the influence of thinkpairshare approach. Merger analysis, industrial organization theory, and merger. This relation establishes the link of post merger performance improvements towards shareholder value creation. Variations include a template with sentence frames, and a template with space for written and visual responses. Pdf theory and practice of mergers and acquisitions. Think pair share tps is a collaborative learning strategy in which students work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. The findings in cycle 1 was unsuccessful because the students average. Thinkpairshare classroom strategies reading rockets. I really do believe that theres a very good reason for not asking students to think, pair, share and ive got a more powerful alternative for you. However, once purchased, if you prefer a word version of the document i will gladly send it to you via email. This strategy requires students to 1 think individually about a topic or answer to a question. Share information about the integration process with customers and the sales force.

Think pair share tps is a cooperative learning activity that can work in varied size classrooms and in any subject. Thinkpairshare tps is a collaborative learning strategy where students work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. The goal of a horizontal merger is to create a new, larger organization with more market share. Basis for horizontal merger it may be social gain as well as private gain. Thinkpairshare teaching technique, english reading. Thinkpairshare is a widely known activelearning technique. Thinkpairshare tps activities in classrooms provide an opportunity.

Thinkpairshare strategy overview think pair share is a cooperative learning strategy that can promote and support higher level thinking. In order for meaningful learning to occur, students must interpret, relate, and incorporate new information with students existing knowledge and experiences cortright et al. Introduction to mergers and acquisitions 5 a horizontal merger horizontal mergers occur when two companies sell similar products to the same markets. Banduras social cognitive theory is rooted in the idea that there is a triarchic reciprocal causality between behaviors, personal factors, and environmental factors bandura, 1989. In theory, communication is said to have taken place if the information received is the same as that one. A reference point theory of mergers and acquisitions. Might involve facts, theories, concepts, stories or any other content. The think pair share strategy is a strategy designed to provide students to think a given topic by. An active learning strategy to teach theory of computation course sunita m. A glance at any business newspaper or business news web page will indicate that mergers and acquisitions are big business and are taking place all the time. In this strategy, the questionproblem will be posed by the facilitator and trainers are allowed to think about it individually, and then discuss in pairs to solve the.

I propose a categorization of such motives based on the residual. This strategy is a learning strategy developed by lyman to encourage student classroom participation the think pair share. Think pair share strategy is one of group discussion strategies falling within curved structural and it is a method of diverse methods of learning collaborative. This method was developed by kagan 1991 through provide the teacher flexible ways to implement. First, we assume that managers derive private benefits from operating a firm in addition to the value of any ownership share of the firm they have. Best practices for the thinkpairshare activelearning technique. Supporting collaborative activities among students. Think pair share discussion templates grades 612 a set of templates to use during think pair share discussions.

The think, pair, share strategy is a cooperative learning technique in which students think through questions using three distinct steps, encouraging individual participation. Students must actively process information in order to learn lujan. State institute for islamic studies iain ternate abstract this research was conducted to improve students english speaking ability by using the thinkpairshare strategy designed in car. Thinkpairshare strategy overview thinkpairshare is a cooperative learning strategy that can promote and support higher level thinking. Using the think pair share strategy to improve students speaking ability at stain ternate abdurrahman hi. It is concluded that post merger performance improvements prove the existence of merger induced synergy. This file is a currently a pdf and cannot be adapted. This study is a case study about acquisition and merger process, which took place in february 2014, when company x name changed bought three magazines and 42 employees were transferred from company y name changed. Thoughtful teachers dont ask students to think pair share. This present study relied on some theories, such as bandura as cited in sampsel. Banduras social cognitive theory is rooted in the idea that there is a triarchic reciprocal causality between.

This strategy also fosters student ownership of learning and promotes participation. What theory explains the relationship between mergers and. This relationship is called the multiway interaction in the learning process. One of these two levels is the individual level and the reactions of the individual employees are insecurity, powerlessness, alienation, a drop in productivity, loss of energy. Thinkpairshare stimulated students participation and performance in reading. Timed pair share involves giving each student in a pair a specified amount of time to talk to their partner. The application of cooperative learning think pair share tps.

Many companies take the opposite approach and are surprised when postmerger revenue fails to meet expectations. Acquisition and merger process through the eyes of employees. According to the this theory, the probability of mergers may serve to overcome with the agency problem between shareholders and managers. Thinkpairshare students pair up to share thoughts on a problem or question initiated by the instructor. Thinkpairshare question or prompt what i thought what my partner thought what we will share my name. Think pair share is based on the social constructivist learning theory, which emphasizes collaborative learning. The use of think pair share unites the cognitive and social aspects of learning, promoting the development of thinking and the construction of knowledge. Apr 02, 2009 our theory of mergers is able to reconcile both of these stylized facts. Mergers and acquisitions motives jrisy motis 1 toulouse school of economics ehess gremaq and university of crete jrissy. The teacher asks students to think about a specific topic, pair with another student to discuss their own thinking, and then share their ideas with the group. Mergers and acquisitions are among the most effective ways to expedite the implementation of a plan to grow rapidly. According to experts the agency at kearney the creator of the wideknown theory of. Pdf this research aimed at investigating the influence of thinkpairshare approach on the. An adjunct of this study is the development of a comprehensive, computational.

Using think pair share often results in one student doing all the talking so we utilize time to make sure there is equal participation. Theory and evidence on mergers and acquisitions by small and. Can be adapted so that students think about groups larger than 2. Mergers and acquisitions transactions strategies in diffusion. Mergers and acquisitions edinburgh business school ix preface an understanding of mergers and acquisitions as a discipline is increasingly important in modern business. Thinkpairsharesquare is a strategy that can be used either as in into, through andor a beyond type of literacy strategy, which promotes interaction among participantsstudents and facilitates targeted language use across the content areas through various. The share of mergers and acquisitions is approximately 5,5% of gross domestic product, which is comparable with the volume of foreign direct investments into russian economy. Using the thinkpairshare strategy to improve students speaking ability at stain ternate abdurrahman hi.

Think pair share is a learning strategy developed by lyman. Students do not have to move from their current seats and discussion can be guided. Gondhalekar, sant, and ferris 2004 believe that the overpayment in mergers and acquisitions is derived from managerial selfinterest effects rather than synergy and hubris hypotheses. Using the thinkpairshare strategy to improve students. Variations include a graphic organizer for think pair share discussions as well as a a stepbystep guide for students who need additional support. The technique is good for generating class discussion and sharing of opinions and ideas. Mergers and acquisitions higher school of economics. While a thinkpairshare activity can be metacognitive in nature, the best approach is to intentionally combine the two strategies. There is one final comparison that can be made, and that is between the price paid on the acquisition and the accounting book value of the equity in the firm being acquired. Steps decide on how to organize students into pairs. Think pair share is a cooperative teaching strategy that includes three components.

Results also support the common expectation that organizational complexity is a. Win prominent accounts quickly to build momentum and generate interna cl onfidence in the merger. Thinkpairshare can be modified to fit any class size and any situation. Counterintuitively, individuals willingness to share information has little association with the performance and integration of the organization.

Mergers and acquisitions transactions strategies in diffusion type financial systems in highly volatile global capital markets with nonlinearities. Our theory of mergers is able to reconcile both of these stylized facts. Thinkpairshare discussion templates grades 35 goalbook. Operating synergy types and their impact on postmerger. The think pair share strategy is a strategy designed to provide students to think a given topic by enabling them to formulate individual ideas and share these ideas with another student. The failure to address the issues that concern merger and acquisition impacts the new and current organization very negatively at the stage of post merger in two levels. Ok, thats a little bit of an exaggeration, but stay with me on this one. And, so, again, the facilitatorteacher would prompt the interaction among participantsstudents by posing a guiding question, after having heard a read aloud, viewed a snippet of a video or been involved in an engaging brainstorm collaborative group activity. Supporting collaborative activities among students and teachers through the use of think pairshare techniques. Pairshare strategy for the writing and theoretical framework. Companies in all industries have grown at lightning speed, in part because of an aggressive merger and acquisition strategy. Jul 08, 2016 according to this theory if the management of firm a is more efficient than the management of firm b and after firm a acquires firm b the efficiency of firm b is brought upto the level of efficiency of firm a. The students have to combine the whole text information. Second, we assume that there is a regime shift that creates potential synergies.